
I'm so glad you are here!


Ever Be was planted in my heart during a time when God was really pressing in to show me who He said I was and who He created me to be. I was in a season where I was struggling with my identity beyond being known for being my "kids mom" and "Ian's wife."

As I leaned into God's voice during that season, Ever Be was born out of a new and constant desire to be creative. I noticed the recurring theme and began to see how it was playing a role in helping me heal. 

As a kid I walked through various forms of childhood abuse, but the verbal abuse I experienced had lasting effects that truly affected how I saw myself into adulthood.

I learned over the years that the old saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" was a complete lie. Wounds from physical experiences heal and become scars that tell a story, but the invisible wounds from words don't heal as quickly and often give the illusion that they aren't wounds at all.

Instead the words resurface in our minds and generate new pain until the truth of God's Word begins to heal wounds that you didn't even know were there. Verbal wounds left unchecked eventually form false identities that never came from the one that Created you.

Just as I needed to know that I was created for more, I also needed to know that I was loved and that my story mattered. God has made it clear to me that my desire to create paired with my heart to encourage is a springboard for His command in Mark 12:31 to "love your neighbor." 

My hope with the items I create is that I can help you love your neighbor well and that  lies held in hearts would be replaced with the truth of God's Word. Our stories matter! To God and to others!

I pray you find encouragement here and that each sign you read or gift box you send would be seeds planted for the Kingdom and would bring healing to you or to others!

To Him be all the Glory!

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